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Writer's pictureThe Dash Project

Adoption and Reproductive Rights

As humans, we've come far as a community, but even now there exists certain stigmas in our society on some critical basic rights. Reproductive rights are about people having control over their own bodies and being able to make decisions about having children. It's about giving individuals the freedom to choose what they want for their reproductive health and family planning. People carry a sense of shame if they aren't able to conceive or choose not to, and society looks at them and the children being adopted with a sense of judgment. This gives adoption an evil connotation when it's meant to be such a beautiful phenomenon.

Reproductive rights also refers to access to contraception(it is the use of medicines or devices to prevent pregnancy), sexual education, and healthcare services. Everyone deserves the right to decide if and when they want to have children as well as if they would like to adopt a child. The adoption rights in India have seemed to carry gender biases and non-secular conditions , previously. Despite this being corrected to an extent, the stigma still prevails in our society.

It's time we change that! Children bring a sense of joy and love like no other and no one should feel like they don't deserve the right to have this happiness. It's not only about the prospective adoptive parents but about the children as well. A lot of the time society sees them as 'unlucky' or they don't want to bring this ''burden" into their lives . These children are not a curse to society but a blessing. They have so many hopes and dreams within them that could bring so much light to this world if only we let them . These children did not deserve what happened to them and they deserve to feel loved and safe just like any other child on this planet!

Throughout our history, religion and culture have played a big role in the stigma behind adoption rights. In reality however, it has nothing to do with caste and religion, and instead transcends beyond societal beliefs. Adopted children and biological children shouldn't be seen any different in our eyes. The difference should not matter to us and we must treat them equally.

Despite it being legal for single men and women to adopt, people still don't do it because they are looked down upon. Your marital status doesn't decide your competence for adoption and we as a society have a duty to change that! If you know anyone who is wanting to adopt but feels held back because of this stigma encourage them with your heart and soul. Tell them that the children are nothing but a bundle of joy. If you know of any orphanages near you , visit them with your family and engage with the children. This would give people an insight on why adoption shouldn't be a stigma but a normal part of society!

Schools need to give more importance to topics such as adoption to remove its stigma from our society. Yes, it's part of our syllabus but a small paragraph is not enough to give such a heavy topic it's deserved importance. The current generations should learn to accept adoption as an integral part of society and they must be encouraged to adopt in the future. This way the adoption rates have a chance to increase in the future and more adopted children can get the parental love they’ve been longing for!

Schools should provide accurate information about reproductive health, consent, contraception, and healthy relationships to the young generation. By supporting comprehensive sexual education, we empower them with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions and maintain their well-being! Moreover, as a responsible society, we can use our vote to help shape legislation and ensure that reproductive rights remain protected and accessible to all. One can also engage in open discussions about reproductive rights with friends, family, and peers. Share what you've learned and encourage others to think critically about the topic. You can help break down stigmas, get rid of myths, and create a safe space for individuals to express their opinions and concerns.

As we know, it's not easy to bring about new laws, infact it takes years. The adoption laws itself have progressed a lot but they’re not up to the mark as of yet. Laws are a reflection of society's mindset, and the mindset around adoption has had a negative connotation on it for ages. Even though we see some change today, people still choose not to adopt because of the stigma, and those who do, may keep it a secret. Adoption should be above religious and cultural politics. It must be seen through the eyes of those who need a home and those who are willing to provide that home. Adoption policies and reproductive rights are a vital issue that affects everyone, regardless of gender or age. Supporting these rights, we can create a society that values reproductive autonomy, provides extensive education, and ensures accessible healthcare services for all.

Remember, your voice matters, let's make a positive change together!

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Jun 20, 2023

Good going guys. Keep it spirited and original in content

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